Friends Central Perk Tie Dye Dad Cap - Green | Wholesale Hat

Officially Licensed Wholesale Friends Merchandise
Ships from and Sold by: Concept One Accessories
Seller Wholesale Order Minimum: $200.00
Seller Shipping Policy: Standard Fulfillment - Orders typically ship in 3-7 days. - More info
Marketplace Restrictions: This item may not be sold on any online marketplaces. This includes Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, NewEgg, Poshmark, Wayfair, Mercari, Etsy and any others not mentioned here. Sales originating on self-branded webstores (like Shopify) and in brick and mortar offline stores are approved.
$10.00 $19.99


Step into the iconic world of Central Perk with our WB Friends Central Perk Tie Dye Dad Cap. As you wear this cap, let the "Central Perk" embroidery take you back to those cherished moments when the gang gathered in their favorite coffee spot. The Central Perk Tie Dye Dad Cap is your invitation to resonate with the unforgettable moments of the iconic show!

-Officially licensed Warner Brothers Friends Central Perk Tie Dye Baseball Hat
-Adjustable / Metal Antique Silver Slider
-Curved Brim with stitching
-Unconstructed 6 panel
-Material: 100% polyester
-Dimension: 4.5H X 8W X10D inches 0.25 lbs
-This product may contain a chemical known by the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.