Snoopy, Charlie Brown & Woodstock Peanuts Backpack | Wholesale Backpack

Officially Licensed Wholesale Peanuts Merchandise
Ships from and Sold by: FUL Luggage
Seller Wholesale Order Minimum: $250.00
Seller Shipping Policy: Standard Fulfillment - Orders typically ship in 3-7 days. - More info
Marketplace Restrictions: This item may not be sold on any online marketplaces. This includes Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, NewEgg, Poshmark, Wayfair, Mercari, Etsy and any others not mentioned here. Sales originating on self-branded webstores (like Shopify) and in brick and mortar offline stores are approved..


Officially licensed Peanuts Snoopy, Charlie Brown & Woodstock nylon kids backpack. Padded back panel and adjustable 20"-34" shoulder straps and a 3" handle drop. With 2 exterior water bottle pockets on either side and a front zippered pocket. The main compartment includes a padded laptop compartment to safely and securely hold your laptop.

Officially licensed Peanuts kids backpack