Rocksax Wholesale Supplier Profile Page

About Rocksax

Rocksax has rapidly positioned itself as a global frontrunner in music merchandising. The company stands apart, thanks in no small part to a management team with decades of experience spanning the music, retail, licensing, and merchandising sectors.

Featured Licenses

  • AC/DC
  • Metallica
  • Machine Gun Kelly
  • Pink Floyd
  • My Chemical Romance
A women in her early 20's sitting on a cement step in an urban setting.   She has shorts on with combat style boots and a black shirt.   She has a Rocksax Wu-Tang Clan backpack over one shoulder.

Rocksax Policies

Wholesale Order Minimum: $150.00

Fulfillment Time: standard fulfillment time (2-7 days) - More info...

Marketplace Policies

Marketplace Policy: Marketplace sales are approved.

Product License
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More Rocksax Wholesale Supplier Information

Rocksax has rapidly positioned itself as a global frontrunner in music merchandising. The company stands apart, thanks in no small part to a management team with decades of experience spanning the music, retail, licensing, and merchandising sectors. This depth of expertise is reflected in their extensive product roster, which boasts items from The Rolling Stones and Iron Maiden to Billie Eilish, AC/DC, Metallica and more.

With representation for over 60 acts across diverse musical genres, Rocksax offers an expansive wholesale licensed merchandise range that includes fashion accessories, bags, luggage, travel goods, and homewares. In many cases, , Rocksax remains the sole company worldwide holding the licensing rights for some of these unique sectors of the industry, making their offerings particularly exclusive and appealing for wholesalers looking for unique, licensed music merchandise and fashion accessories.

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