Manic Merch Wholesale Supplier Profile Page

About Manic Merch

Manic Merch is a licensed manufacturer of band t-shirts and accessories. Their merchandise represents a diverse roster of bands and musicians. Many Manic Merch wholesale items feature often overlooked but very successful bands of all genres.

Featured Licenses

  • Green Day
  • Iron Maiden
  • Slayer
  • Misfits
  • Ghost

Manic Merch Policies

Wholesale Order Minimum: $150.00

Fulfillment Time: standard fulfillment time (2-7 days) - More info...

Marketplace Policies

Marketplace Policy: Marketplace sales are approved.

Product License
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More Manic Merch Wholesale Supplier Information

Years ago, Manic Merch was founded as a contract screen printing business. Today they produce and print band t-shirts and other fashion accessories featuring imagery from the largest names in rock, punk and heavy metal. By featuring unexpected bands and artists and by utilizing a unique approach to art creation, they have grown to become a favorite wholesale supplier to band merch retailers.

Merch Showroom Featured Suppliers

Merch Showroom Direct Distribution

Merch Showroom Direct Distribution

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A woman wearing a Fred Segal hat and a red Marvel Comics crossbody bag leans against a red Lotus car.

Concept One Accessories

Concept One Accessories

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American Classics

American Classics

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Gmerch LLC

Gmerch LLC

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A women in her early 20's sitting on a cement step in an urban setting.   She has shorts on with combat style boots and a black shirt.   She has a Rocksax Wu-Tang Clan backpack over one shoulder.



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